Nature Republic's Bamboo Charcoal Mud Pack

Having an oily skin is one of the most problem a Filipina has. Given that we are living in a hot climate made it difficult to look for some products that will help us improve oily face condition. There were lots of products out there that are specifically made for oily skin but I am still in constant battle to find the most effective products.

From facial wash to cleanser, I guess I have tried it already but still having an oily skin. Some helps but not for long. Then I heard of a clay mask which was widely known over the internet nowadays. The problem is, some of the products are not available in the Philippines.Good thing that we already have some Korean beauty store that offers a wide variety of cosmetics. 

I saw this Bamboo Charcoal mud pack from Nature Republic but haven't paid much attention to it. I bought one and it cost I think ₱349 but I am not really sure. I forgot the exact price but I am sure it's not over ₱500 . I've had this for almost a month pero hindi ko sya constantly nagagamit. I  tired it once or twice so the result was not yet visible. I want to give it another try and hopefully magwork sya sa skin types natin. I am excited to give you an update as soon as makita natin yung effects. Today marked as the first day. Let's look further into it.

Nature Republic's Bamboo Charcoal Mud Pack
Wash-off clay mask ideal that absorbs dirt and oil to reduce pores and blackheads. This mask has a bamboo extract from the very famous Bamboo Garden in Samyang, Korea. Sounds enticing as blackheads and whiteheads are my main problem caused by having a very oily skin. This product has a very interesting ingredients that I haven't seen from different beauty cosmetics.

  • Type of clay used in treating diarrhea and inflammation in the mouth caused by radiation treatment. It is also known to soften the skin.Considered safe even to pregnant and breastfeeding moms.
  • Another form of clay that said to have a lead content to it but not proven to have a bad effects to people. Lead dosage on bentonite is too little to damage the skin.
  • An organic glycol that enhances the penetration of other active ingredients into the skin. It was proven safe to use and it make sure that the products will penetrate the skin to achieve best results.
Punica Granatum Fruit Extract (Pomegranate )
  • Fruits high in Vit C and antioxidants that helps prevent cell damage.
  • Helps healing sun damaged skin and helps  to reduce aging.
  • It helps the skin by extending fibroblasts - the cell that is responsible to produce collagen and elastin.
Zizyphus Jujuba Fruit Extract
  • Known to have 20 times more vitamin C than any citrus fruits.
  • It guards the skin from the inside and delivers intense moisture and protection to the skin.
  • It has the ability to clear skin impurities and diminish wrinkles, relieve dry skin, and treat sunburn pain.
Hippophae rhamnoides, known as sea buckthorn
  • Acts as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti bacterial, antineoplastic, immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective.

Whoo! Mud mask full of active ingredients. Hopefully It can be added on my bucket. Good luck everyone! 
